What do you do when its so clogged you cant clean the vent?

21st Jul 2021

What do you do when its so clogged you cant clean the vent?

Have you ever tried to clean a dryer vent that was so clogged that an hour has gone by and still no luck?

Follow these simple steps to turn that disaster job back into a routine cleaning!

First: Make sure it is just clogged and not disconnected by using your Vent Vision camera.

Second: Hook up a high power blower to the transition hose.

Third: Send our 2703V Green Missile whip through to bust through the clogs.

Fourth: Now that the clogs have been broken open, swap out your Missile whip for your PS4 brush and your back to a routine cleaning!

Note: These extra steps should not take more than an extra 5-10 mins and you might already include step 1 and 2 in your routine cleaning process so the only change would be going in with our missile whip first which works as a great clog buster!