Know the Most Common Causes of Dryer Fires

4th Mar 2022

Know the Most Common Causes of Dryer Fires

There are several ways your drying system can be a potential hazard, and unfortunately, dryer fires account for a large number of house fires each year. Of course, not all dryer fires are similar; there are different ways they can start a fire. However, of those potential causes, failure to clean and perform dryer maintenance accounts for 30%. Here are the common causes of dryer fires.

Mechanical and electrical faults

Like anything with electronic components and moving parts, faulty wiring and damaged machinery can potentially cause dryer fires. While such fires are not as common as they are with washing machines, it is still important to have electronic parts checked and repaired or replaced if required.

Improper use of the dryer

This indicates any fire caused by using a clothes dryer outside of the manufacturer's recommended guidelines, such as over-stuffing the dryer. However, this may also include situations involving things that shouldn't be put in a dryer.

Plastic, rubber, and foam are generally not recommended for clothes dryers. For example, bathroom item, like a footmat with a rubber back, could potentially be a big fire hazard.

Dirty lint filters and dryer vents

Clogged ducts, vents and lint filters are the main causes of dryer fires. This is mainly due to lint buildup, but can certainly be caused by an accumulation of dirt, or anything else that remains after the washing process.

The outside dryer vent can also become clogged, which prevents airflow and leads to unwanted hazardous conditions. Dryers rely on proper airflow, and when there is lack of airflow at any point in the whole process, heat can build.

One of the main places blockage occurs is the lint filter, which collects stray pieces of cloth and prevents it from accumulating. If you don't clean the lint properly, and it is allowed to build up, which is perfect for starting a fire.

Have you ever gotten your dryer vent cleaned and it is still not working as it should? Our dryer vent inspection camera helps in the easy diagnosis of a clogged or restricted dryer vent.

The vent camera gives you clean and clear view of what is going on in the dryer vent system to ensure effective vent cleaning. Simply attach your vent cleaning rods to the camera and turn on the camera and monitor.

Ensure Easy Diagnosis with Advance Vent Inspection Camera

Blockages in your dryer vent can cause your dryer to be overworked. When there is a hidden blockage in your dryer vent, you can use vent inspection camera to see inside the vent to know what is actually going on inside the dryer vent. Contact us today to know more about our top quality dryer vent cleaning tools and inspection camera.